5o angling club can operate without some rules – and all HAC members are expected to abide by ours !

Our rules are found in two main documents, our Constitution (Which sets out how the club is run, how to join the commitee and how to propose a resolution for debate at the AGM, etc.) and our Angling rules (which set out how members are expected to fish). You can follow the links below to download either document:

2025 Constitution

2025 Angling Rules

NOTE. Whilst all our club’s rules are important, Members should pay particular attention to the Angling Rules when attending or fishing Club Waters – plus any related notices or additional rules displayed on site.

From 2024 our Angling Rules are emailed out as part of the online Clubmate membership ‘card’ process, but are also available to download (see above).

IT IS MEMBERS’ RESPONSIBILITY TO READ AND FOLLOW OUR ANGLING RULES, so please ensure you do so – and if not printing them out maybe keep a downloaded copy on your smart ‘phone?

As far as they are applicable, many of the angling rules also apply to all Temporary Members, i.e. those fishing our Club Waters on a Members’ Guest or Public Day Ticket, in an Open Match or taking part in Coaching events or external Club hirings, etc. In such circumstances a paper copy may be provided as part of the ticket/event, or can be requested from the organiser.

Members found by The Committee to be in breach of HAC Angling Rules shall be liable to disciplinary action by The Club.

Note. Members of Serck Audco Angling Club (SAAC) are able to fish between Bridges 51 – 55 of our stretch of the SU Canal, which includes use of the water for SAAC club and open matches. Whilst so fishing, SAAC members must abide by the relevant portions of HAC Angling Rules and, where not in conflict with any HAC ones, their own club rules too.